Here at UPC, we believe every person is created in God’s image. Because everyone is freely loved and accepted by God, we offer that same love and acceptance to everyone, regardless of social, economic or marital status, race or ethnicity, ability or age, sexual orientation or gender identity, or previous religious affiliation. All are welcome to help us accomplish our mission

To grow and nurture followers of Jesus in a welcoming community.



  • Grow

    Spiritual formation is at the heart of everything we do. We believe the Holy Spirit works in everyone at every stage of life to shape us in the likeness of Jesus Christ. At the same time, the Spirit is working in the church, shaping it into the Body of Christ. Whether in worship, in a class, or in the community, we seek to be open and responsive to the Spirit's voice.

  • Nurture

    Compassionate care provides us with the strength we need to carry out Christ’s mission. Whenever we gather together, whether it’s a fun Church Life activity, in fellowship groups, post-worship conversations, or through the ministry of our Deacons and our Health & Wellness Team, we are always looking for opportunities to offer the compassion of Christ and to create space for everyone to flourish.

  • Follow

    We believe Jesus has offered us the same invitation he gave to Peter, Andrew, James, and his other disciples: “Follow me.” For us, being a disciple of Jesus isn’t just for grown-ups. And it isn’t just a part time or weekend thing. Discipleship is a commitment that everyone begins in baptism and is developed over a lifetime to encompass every part of our lives.

What’s Happening at UPC


  • Coffee Talk - Every Tuesday at 10AM via Zoom. Contact the office for login information.

  • Mah Jongg Group - Every Tuesday at 1PM

  • Adult Bible Study: Parables for Our Lives - Thursdays at 10:00AM in person and on Zoom (Contact the Office for login information)