UPC Discovery is recognized as an exemplary, high-quality, early care, and education program.

We’re proud of our accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young Children

What does it mean to be NAEYC accredited? NAEYC Accreditation was developed to help parents find the best possible early childhood experience for their children. Administration and faculty complete a comprehensive, rigorous self-study of 10 high-quality early childhood education standards, including the environment, staff qualifications, training, procedures, and curriculum. Then, a validator visits the center, observes teachers and children in action, and evaluates the facility and play areas. After becoming accredited, validators may make additional unannounced visits at any time.

NAEYC Accreditation is a reputable indicator of quality that correlates with

  • children's greater readiness and success in school and beyond

  • increased educational attainment rates,

  • and overall healthier lifestyles.

UPC Discovery has been accredited since 2017 and has maintained accreditation through additional self-study and site visits in 2017 and 2022.

Learn more about NAEYC accreditation on their website.

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