We believe children are naturally creative and nurture their ability to share their thoughts through the arts.

Art-Based Learning

Children express their thoughts and feelings about what they are learning through a variety of arts such as drawing and sculpting, music, language, dance, and drama. They learn new skills and strengthen their self-concept when they are given the opportunity to create with words, paints, clay, instruments, costumes, puppets, and more.

We celebrate our children's creativity by displaying their work in the classroom and around the church. We believe the artistic process to be even more valuable than the final product. Therefore, some of the children’s own thoughts about their creations accompany the display, picture, or video as part of our documentation process.

Find Out More!

If you’d like more information, please take a moment to fill out the contact form.

To start the enrollment process for your child(ren) head over to our Enrollment page.